Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why we fight

That's the title of one of the best episodes from Band of Brothers (minus about 10 seconds). The title rings apt as Veteran's Day slides into the rear view mirror. A couple of thoughts about our United States military (it may morph into a couple of posts).

First, how can one "support" the military and not "support" the cause? I often hear laudatory words about our military and those who serve from those who loathe its mission and its commander-in-chief. That might fly in the mind of schizophrenic post-modernists, but it doesn't past muster with most folks and certainly not those who take up arms.

Understand this: volunteers make up our military. They haven't been lobotomized at their enlistment. They've not had their brains washed when they took their oaths of office. They serve by choice in support of a cause and under the leadership of their commander-in-chief (that's the President of the United States).

Let's say the U.S. military was conducting Holocaust-type operations with an all-volunteer force (Germany's was not volunteer, though I would contend it doesn't excuse service under such circumstances). Can you really support troops conducting such atrocities? Despite the orders of superiors, each man and woman is an independent moral agent and is held accountable for their actions despite their orders.

Our military is perhaps the most noble military the world has ever seen. From the time of the Revolution through today, the American GI is known by its grace toward the civilian populace of foreign soils. The picture of the USAF Chief Master Sergeant tells the story.

So here's the deal: When we support the military, we support the cause and it's commander. Otherwise we do not support the military.

To be continued...

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