FIRE. Does anybody remember when California has burned so readily? It seems that the state's been on fire for the last couple of years. Brush fires typically threaten communities when the Santa Ana's get going. But that's seasonal. The current infernos have seemed relentless. Relentless.
- TOLERANCE. Which people group in America cries loudest in its demands for tolerance? That would be the homosexual activists. Why is it that when they try to alter traditional marriage and states one after the other vote to uphold marriage as one man, one woman vile protests break out around the country. Aren't the homosexuals being intolerant to those who hold to God's definition of marriage?
- FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE. Seems the neo-Soviets will pay a visit to Cuba and Venezuela. If that weren't bad enough, it seems China will send an envoy Cuba's way, too. Bears and Dragons on our back porch. Oh my.
- KUMBAYA. "A website launched Friday with the backing of technology industry and Hollywood elite urges people worldwide to help craft a framework for harmony between all religions." Yikes. Article here. Once again, the Golden Rule yanked out of context, the rest of the Sermon on the Mount ignored, and Jesus exclusive claims to being the only way to the Father dismissed. Pretty dim for "enlightened" people.
- IRA'ss & 401k's. How much have you lost? I've lost a ton. But...
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-20)
- LADIES. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State? Guess we'll here celebrations on the left that another woman is serving as SoS. In their minds, that will make the second, Mme. Albright being the first (Ms. Rice does not count...being conservatively minded, she's not a real woman). And the first woman ever to make 4-star general took her oath today.
- MINNESOTA. Oh, the agony! Norm Coleman makes John McCain look like a staunch conservative but compared to Al Franken, old Norm looks like Mr. Reagan. The voting chaos going on in the great white north makes what went down in Florida a few years back seem like a day at Epcot. Exactly how many lawyers is Stuart Smalley employing? Does anybody on the planet find it odd that the discovered votes all tip toward Al? And what's with the name Al anyway? No, you may not call me Al!
Good night, and God's peace!
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