Thursday, November 20, 2008

So what did we vote for?

There's been a video bouncing around the internet the last few days. O'Reilly showed it on The Factor last night. The interviewer asks those who voted for Obama a few relevant current events questions. Who is Nancy Pelosi? Barney Frank? Joe Biden? Who currently controls the House of Representatives?

The Obama supporters bombed. Truth be told, if such a poll were to be taken of McCain supporters, I doubt the performance would be any less pitiful.

We are dopes about our own country. This election highlighted that fact like a supernova. Here's your chance to see how well you understand American civics. Cal Thomas did his column today on the tragic ignorance of the American populace about the nation in which they live.

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute has fashioned a quiz to test one's civics savvy. The average score of those who have completed a Bachelor's degree? 57%. That's an 'F' if you're keeping score.

But be encouraged, elected officials score markedly lower than the general public.

Give it a whirl. 33-questions. No linking to other sites. See what you know. Then let me know how you scored using the voting buttons in the column at the right. Click here to take the quiz.

(BTW, I don't know everything. 88% - B+ ... I need some brush up, too)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got an 88, too. I wonder if we missed any of the same ones.