Thursday, December 23, 2010

Moral inconsistencies: homosexuality & pedophilia

From time to time, I peek in on left-leaning America to see what issues they have been considering, the positions they take, and the support they offer.  Sometimes I come away understanding their position, not agreeing with it but following their train of thought.  Sometimes I just end up befuddled.

Like the other day.

On the Huffington Post, two articles stood comically side-by-side, one by Billie Jean King, that '70's symbol of I-am-woman feminism, lamenting the fact that so advanced a nation would still have such knuckle-dragging laws on the books like "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" (here) and the other by Sinéad O'Connor, that Irish minstrel who earned fame and fortune by shredding a picture of the Pope on Saturday Night Live, continuing her loathing of the papacy for their poor handling of the priestly pedophiles (here). 

Why so funny?  How is it that the military would be hammered for opposing the homosexual lifestyle but the dramatic leftists should be lauded for opposing a pedophiliac lifestyle?  Why is homosexuality acceptable but pedophelia intolerable?

That's what happens when you loose yourself from an objective moral determinant.  You can have it your way.  Orange is good.  Yellow is evil.  Why?  Um, because.  Upon what do you base that.  Folks who like orange are just happy people so that's good, but I find yellow morally reprehensible therefore bad on the church for not crucifying all of those in favor of yellow.  When you have a moral standard given by the One who embodies those standards, the colors come into clear focus.

Dismiss the standard and you get Billie Jean (homosexual Billie Jean) praising homosexual advocacy for the military while Sinead rails against pedophilia.

I guess HuffPo missed the joke.

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