Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sovereign God or volitional man?

Those who have been saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone have likely run headlong into the mountainous dilemma of whether God is sovereign over all of his creation or whether man has free will.  Many who are not Christian but have studied what Christianity is and means have also snagged themselves upon this horn.

I listened to a sermon by John MacArthur recently where he handled this very topic.  MacArthur presents his message not based upon his thoughts or upon what other philosophers have philosophized but upon what the Bible says.  He does so in a very "just the facts, ma'am" manner.  Plain and simple.

If it's a topic with which you've wrestled, you might find this audio link compelling.  It's 55 minutes, but it'll be worth your missing Dancing with the Stars for one night.

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