Monday, June 14, 2010


Number one, it would take me very few fingers to count the things Barack Obama has done in his presidency that have brought a smile to my face.  But then, I am but one amidst a couple hundred million.

Number two, I love Drudge.  If you want to know what's happening in the world, Drudge is the place to go.  He covers just about every news web-site known to man and highlights things relevant, things missed by other outlets, and things a bit off the wall.  It's not all doom-and-gloom.  You'll find some nuggets to put a smile on your face.

Drudge needs to lighten up on BHO.

But to finger Drudge is to finger much of the media.

Here's the deal.  On Sunday, Drudge (The Media) ran a headline "Golf to gulf," noting that the President had played a round of golf--gasp!--before south to check out the oil mess.  What, is he not allowed to play eighteen?  Does it nullify his compassion (benefit of the doubt, folks) for him to slice a few into the woods?

It got more pointed.  CNN ran a piece in April driving home the point that BHO has played golf more in his year and a half in office (32 times) than George Bush did during his eight years in office (24).  I have read that President Obama has now teed it up thirty-eight times. 

My response?  "SO WHAT?!?"  Good grief, the man has what must be the highest stress job in the world next to the BP PR-guy.  Please, Mr. President, if it helps you think straight, if it helps you reestablish your bearings, grip it and rip it!  Thirty-eight times?  That's not even once a week, folks.  Do you think we might let our President have four hours each week to enjoy the smell of a well-kept golf course?  The poor fellow has to play with an Secret Service entourage that closely eyes every squirrel and gopher on the links.  He can't even escape with a few friends and yuk it up.  No doubt there'll be a boom mic that picks up his jabs at Rush or Sarah.

So he flies to the Gulf of Mexico (what did he shoot, by the way?), and what's the news that comes out of the visit?  He ate shrimp and had a snow cone.  Come on!  I live in north Texas.  If I get to the gulf coast do you think I'm going to eat a Big Mac?  After walking the beach, do we besmirch him a snowcone??

I loathe most of what President Obama has done in office.  Still, he is a man.  He is entitled to his day of rest.  He is entitled to seafood while in the gulf region...even if he's standing watch over a disaster area.

And if he makes it to north Texas in August, he'd better get himself a snowcone.  My treat.

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