Friday, May 28, 2010

Don't ask: Homosexuals in the military

The last non-religious segment of society, the US Military, has been told it must accept homosexual conduct as normal.  Congress voted yesterday to repeal "Don't ask/Don't tell," a policy that permitted homosexuals to serve, but they could not admit to their sexual practices or risk punitive action under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.  Now a homosexual may serve openly.

Apart from the theological and moral problems with this can of worms (here), the government has thrust a logistical gordian knot wrapped in a Rubik's Cube plunged into a labyrinth upon our military.  I can't wait for the first hormonal, heterosexual 18-year old male (redundant?) to ask to bunk with the females in the unit.  Why not?  If a gay man can bunk with a barracks full of burly men, why not a straight man bunk with a barracks full of nubile lassies? 

Seems only fair.

1 comment:

Jori said...

Once again Keith, you hit the nail on the head.... it WILL happen in due time that men will demand to bunk with women or vice-versa.

Once upon a time, I am sure that you may have recv'd the same briefing that Corry did, as I believe you and Corry were on the same deployment...

All the military members were told that if they were going to "sleep around" while deployed, only sleep with other military members!!!! The government never ceases to amaze me!!!!!!

What is this world coming to?

The RAPTURE!!!!!