Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Patriotic idolatry

With the passage of the health care bill in the House, both sides have rightly declared this a turning point for our nation.  One side sees it as a shiny new dawn for our nation while the other sees it as a cold, gray dusk. 

For those like me who love the nation birthed in the blood of the late 18th century, you find yourself in the latter camp.  The days of personal responsibility have ended.  The sun has set upon the rule of law in our land for law has become a lump of Silly-Putty in the hand of the Chief Executor and his league of Lilliputian legislators.  Mold it as you see fit.

What has been done will not soon be undone.  Take a look at the hideous beast birthed by FDR.  It continues to grow faster than Cosby's Chicken Heart and with more destructive power.  Perhaps this monster can be killed before it sees the light of day.  Considering those who sold their soul to bring about its passage, I doubt that.

If you love the idea of a nation founded upon the rule of law and the God-given rights of the people to self-govern, this season of American history has left you gasping and grieving. It has me.  I am forced to wonder, is God trying to wake me up about an unhealthy love for my homeland?  After all, he is a jealous God, intolerant in his very essence of adulterous love.  Have I given misplaced affection to a nation whose founding ideals were of such breath-taking beauty that I failed to give due affection to the God of nations?  Despite the fact (yes, FACT) that her foundation rests upon biblical principles, do I love the thing so much that it has become an idol to me?

Could it be that out of deep affection for his people God is weaning us from an unhealthy and improper love for a land bent upon self-destruction?

I don't know.

I do know that my country continues to move in directions contrary to God's word.  I do know that because of that, I must continue to speak out.  I do know innocent life must continue to be defended.  I know, too, that my first affection and first allegiance are due to the God who gives me life and breath and only his hand will bring those to an end. 

So what will become of America?  Again, I don't know, but I do know the One who knows.  Him I will continue to serve by being the best husband, father, friend and neighbor I can be.  Him I will continue to serve as I strive to be the best citizen I can be. 

The day that will dawn after this chilled dusk I leave to his sovereign care.


Justin Helin said...

I wish the past several days were merely a dream. They are not unlike many others in which I have wrestled with my idols and ultimately surrendered my will to the Lord.

"The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscaleable wall. (Proverbs 18:11) NIV

This verse reminds me that God Himself has to be my ultimate life, hope and security -- not my career, retirement plan, education or even my family; in this case not even my country.

These past two days stand as a stark contrast to the patriotic sentiment we as Americans felt and experienced as ONE nation after 9-11.

In my lifetime I have never been so shaken in my trust for our elected few.

Thank you Lord, for redirecting my trust to You...You have always been faithful!

Justin Helin said...

I wish the past several days were merely a dream. They are not unlike many others in which I have wrestled with my idols and ultimately surrendered my will to the Lord.

"The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscaleable wall. (Proverbs 18:11) NIV

This verse reminds me that God Himself has to be my ultimate life, hope and security -- not my career, retirement plan, education or even my family; in this case not even my country.

These past two days stand as a stark contrast to the patriotic sentiment we as Americans felt and experienced as ONE nation after 9-11.

In my lifetime I have never been so shaken in my trust for our elected few.

Thank you Lord, for redirecting my trust to You...You have always been faithful!