Monday, March 22, 2010

The one thing government does well...because it was intended to do so

I always found it funny when Hollywood fascists would say they supported our troops but hated what George Bush, their Commander in Chief (CinC) was doing with them.  You can't divorce the two anymore than you could the German troops from the funny-mustached freak ordering the gassing of six-million Jews.  Were there any consistency in Hollywood, they would have condemned the whole thing from the top down.

But Hollywood has a disconnect.  If they can fatten their wallets, they'll check their ideology and entertain at Ann Coulter's birthday soiree.  Since 90% of movie-going, song-downloading, and novel-reading America supported the wars against Koran-adhering Muslims, entertainers from every cloth found they could express their loathing for the war by hating its CinC and yet still making a buck by expressing their love for the ones pulling the triggers, dropping the bombs, and interrogating the head-chopping demons.

Well, ladies and gents, I hate the cliff over which our President has just shoved us.  Yes, yes, yes, the momentum went unchecked and increased under conservative presidents.  It did nearly slow to a halt under Reagan, but GBI and GBII both continued the vector and speed, if not hastening it along, that began nearly four-score and seven ago under the great socialist, FDR.

While I can't logically separate the order-giver (now Obama) from the order-executors (the troops), I can logically separate his policies economic from his policies foreign and military.  While our national fabric unravels faster than lawmakers sell their souls, our military continues to execute honorable orders with exceptional honor.  For your edification, here's a peek at what's going on in Afghanistan from one who is there (boldface, mine.  All parentheticals, etc., are his).
This global war on terror (I don't work at the White House, so I can still use that term) is truly a war against evil. It is difficult to compare levels of evil, so I cannot make a direct correlation between the forces our country faced in WWII with the current insurgency in Afghanistan. But I do know that our coalition forces now face a challenge that our troops rarely faced in WWII - the enemy does not wear a uniform. It is often incredibly difficult to determine who is a civilian and who is an insurgent, and they usually have only seconds to make a decision where their lives literally depend on what action they take against possible threats.
The insurgents proclaim they are waging holy and honorable jihad against the West and call for the assassination of a cartoonist because he mocked their prophet; yet they think it is perfectly appropriate and honorable to use the following tactics:
  • using an vehicle disguised as an ambulance to blow up checkpoints.
  • male insurgents dressing up in female burkas (using our sensitivity to not offend their cultural and religious traditions) to infiltrate and commit homicide bombings.
  • placing IEDs in schools and playgrounds to kill children in their own country in an attempt to show the people that the government cannot protect them.
  • bombing girls' schools to show their disapproval of females receiving an education.
  • using women and children to shield themselves while firing on our troops because they know we will not risk civilian casualties to take them out.
These tactics can all be found in public sources.

I highlight the evil we are waging war against because I want people at home to understand that we are conducting an honorable campaign over here. I am not naive enough to believe that we never have folks who act dishonorably over here in the heat of battle; but I do believe they are an aberration, not the rule. I believe that if we do not win this war here, then rest assured, these radical forces WILL stretch across the oceans and WILL attack our country. They will only rest after our destruction. And lest you think we are selfish or imperialistic in this battle, there are twice as many Islamic Afghans fighting against the insurgency in their homeland. They desire to be free from terrorism and are willing to die for freedom (and they are dying as much as our NATO forces).
While Rome is burning and Nero's fiddling away, the troops remain in a valaint fight at the Rubicon.  Will there be anything left of their beloved Italia when the victory abroad is won?

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