Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chris Matthews

Two days ago I took a shot at Chris Matthews for calling Westpoint "enemy camp" (here).  He offers one of the most incredible apologies I have ever seen.  He showed a great depth of character.  You can watch the video here.

That said, I believe Chris Matthews sees Westpoint as "enemy" territory not because he hates the military (he doesn't) and not because he hates those who hold what could be characterized as a conservative worldview or those who hold a biblical worldview (he doesn't).   He does know and understand that a preponderance of those who serve in the military hold to conservative and often biblical ideals.  As Matthews states, President Obama's views on using the military would not find a lot of buyers within the gray walls of Westpoint.  That would put the President on hostile ground were he in a debate. 

But he is not in a debate.  Barack Obama is the President.  That establishes him as the Commander-in-Chief over all of the military.  Our military is civilian run.  It always will be and it needs to be.  Military personnel obey the orders of the President of the United States and uphold our Constitution regardless of whether they agree with those orders (unless they are unlawful).  You salute smartly and do your duty.  You give your opinion when asked and sometimes when not asked, but when the answer takes on a finality, then the orders must be executed.

So, in a sense, yes, President Obama did give his speech in hostile territory.  Whether the men and women in gray like him or agree with him, they support him as their President and as their Commander in chief.

While his words may have been apt, Chris Matthews words were in poor form at such a time and in such a place.  He recognized that, manned up, and gave an apology for the ages. 

He will continue to be hostile toward things "conservative." Perhaps, though, Chris Matthews will be a little slower to speak.


Jennifer said...

I thought his apology was good....except.....
He said (paraphrase) "I apologize, but those of you who have been watching me for a while, KNOW I would never mean what it sounded like I meant." Isn't that kind of like saying, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, BUT if you KNEW me well enough you'd KNOW I didn't mean it."
In my opinion, genuine apologies should never be followed with "buts", "howevers" or anything of the like. Glad he did recognize it....after he'd been contacted.

Keith Pond said...

Good points, Jenn.