Saturday, November 7, 2009

If it walks like a duck: Ft Hood revisited

The initial facts?  Mass murder.  Arabic name.  My initial guess and my immediate post?  Islam.

More than twenty-four hours have passed and more clues bubble to the surface.  "Allahu Akbar!"  Militant Islamic web-sites.  Opposition to the wars against terrorists motivated by Islam ("terrorists motivated by Islam."  Is that redundant?).

"Hmmm...," muse the reporters.  "What could be the motive?  What's the common thread?"

David Horowitz provides the scathing answer.  After asking PC America to extract its head from the dark recesses of its blithe oblivion, he indicts what must be indicted, Islam.  Read it here.

It might tweak our multi-cultural sensitivities but 99% of the terrorist attacks against America over the last thirty years have not been conducted by Norwegians Against Lutefisk or GM-loathing Japanese but by those who take the Quran for what it says.  All of it.

I do understand that 90% of Muslims don't detonate at Dillards, but it's the really enormous ten-percent that are making quite a bit of racket.  The micro-efforts of the 90% to shut them up that give me pause at 2 a.m.

Please don't do the moral-equivalence hustle declaring how radical Christians are just as bad as radical Muslims.  Let me ask you when the last time you heard about Christians murdering Muslims while singing "Onward Christian Soldier" (with apologies to the hymnals that have emasculated the soldier right out of that song)?  If you want to readjust your focus on the major world religions, read the following essay by Raymond Ibrahim (yes, that's an Arab sounding name, isn't it?), "Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?"  It'll take a few moments, but it's worth the time.

So where do we go from here?  Should we bust the doors down of every mosque from Tampa to Tacoma?  NO!  With every ounce of my being, NO!  Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Muhammad Ali, when they converted to Islam, only threatened those who met them on the field of friendly strife, sport (thousands of Muslims serve in our military with honor).  But there is a rancid flavor of Islam that loathes the west and anything remotely Judeo or Christian.  That scourge should be asked politely to leave the country.  Considering authoritites knew Major Hasan had been dabbling in such web-sites and had held such opions for over a half-dozen months, they know where these roaches are hiding.  How about a little Raid in those crevices?

To those who read the Quran as a book of peace, thank you!  Now can you do something to quiet down your uppity cousins?  They're giving the rest of you guys a really bad name. 

There is a huge divide in Islam in America.  Read about it here, where a couple of bugs are spreading their filth outside a peaceful mosque in NYC.  Show these vermine the door.  Or the heel of your shoe.

Keep praying for the families who have lost so very much during this tragedy.  And pray for Major Hasan's family.  They seem to be shocked that he has done something so heinous.  If they're in the 90%, this is as horrible a time for them as for any.

Until next time, "if it is possible, as far as it depends upon you, live at peace with all men." (That's Bible, not Quran).

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