Saturday, November 28, 2009

Clarity from Moscow

Despite "Allahu akhbar," despite having neato ID cards with SOI (Soldier of Islam) imprinted upon them, despite wearing the traditional garb of the Muslim playing for the Al Qaeda team and despite the most gruesome act of treason in my memory, our President has urged caution and restraint against leaping to conclusions regarding the very interesting day Malik Nadal Hasan had last month.  Let's let those investigations play out before we label this "terrorism" or indict a particular ideology.

This morning, Fox News has this headline from Russia.
"Official: There is little doubt...This is terrorism"
In case you missed it, a Russian commuter was derailed carrying hundreds and dozens have died.  Evidence of explosives has been found. 

Explain to me why Vlad Putin's office with startling immediacy and only a few facts is willing to label an atrocity what it is, but we still refer to Malik Nadal Hassan as an "alleged murderer" or "suspected gunman" when the evidence points as plainly to Mecca as do Islamic prayer rugs.

Let's call a traitor a traitor.  Let's state plainly that the impetus for his action is the same fundamental brand of Islam practiced by the C4-vested vermine infesting Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Netherlands, and the better part of Michigan.  Let's give civilized Muslims in America and around the world the opportunity to speak out against such filth and afford patriotic Muslims the opportunity to show their solidarity with the land of the free and with the tenets of civilization.

Bowing to emperors, kissing the rings of mysogynist kings, and not letting the military line up terrorists and traitors against a wall and reducing their carbon footprint does nothing but self-neuters in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of middle America.

So, Vlad, well done!  You're more apt to quiet the scum of the earth when you catch 'em and kill 'em than when you mollycoddle 'em and provide them universal healthcare.

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