Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Old Books

I often wonder what you look at when you visit this site. Do you read the blogs? Do you check out the film recommendations (needless to say, I haven't seen one worth note in a while)? Do you pond-er the book grades?
Regarding the latter, you've probably noted (if you look there) a lot of old books. My sons tend toward modern fiction (when they read). My bride loves anything Austen, though recently she has expanded horizon to realms Bronte. When I was in college, I fell in love with classic literature, but with the busy-ness of life, I drifted like my boys toward modern fiction. Can you say "Clancy?"

A year or so ago I came across the article "In Praise of Old Books." In the article, C.S. Lewis is quoted as he argues for the value of interspersing our usual pleasure reading with works that have stood the test of time.

Let me encourage you to read the article. If you don't read books regularly, I'd encourage you to do so. What an adventure! If you're already a reader, I'd encourage you to dig into the classics, too. If you're already there, you are likely as blessed as I have been recently in my venture into "old books."

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