Saturday, February 9, 2008

Non-action vs. Inaction

"We can't do nothing."

Yes we can, and often it is required.

First of all, there is nothing in God's word to encourage Christians to withdraw or isolate themselves from government. They are not to set up some manner of communal enclave or some society within a society. As foreigners in this world, Christians must be aware and involved in the community/nation in which they find themselves.

Second, every principle seems to indicate that the Christian should do all in his power to bring about good (godly principles) within that society. Jeremiah 29 and 1 Peter (all) are but two examples of this idea. The most important thing that a believer can do for their nation is to pray for it.

Third, we must understand that the prime Mover in all things is God. His will is brought about by you and by me. It is brought about by Bill Clinton and George Bush. Here is the amazing part: His will is brought about whether or not men will bow the knee to Him. Throughout the prophets God uses godless nations to bring about His purpose and will likewise bring those very nations to the bar of justice for not recognizing the true Sovereign of Nations. God used the godless to bring about the execution of His Son.

Finally, God has called His people to act (Joshua at Jericho) and He has called His people to not act and let Him do His bidding (Jehoshaphat against Moab & Ammon). In both instances (in all instances), the outcome is in the hands of God.

Therefore, in wisdom, as we prayerfully go through our days, we may be confronted with Lucky Charms or Rice Crispies and God will say, "Pick. The choice is yours." Other times, the dilemma will not be nearly as difficult. When confronted with juicy T-bone or live locusts, the choice is obvious.

But if I am confronted with Joe Stalin or Chairman Mao, neither is a viable option. HERE is where I believe the Christian choses non-action. Inaction implies that I just won't bother. That is the servant who buried his talents. A careful examination exposes either option to be a nightmare. I don't flex to Mao simply because I prefer bad haircuts over bushy mustaches. In issues of substance, both are bad choices. It's Assyria or Egypt. God called Israel to trust Him in situations such as that.

It is at this point, I believe we ought let God fight the battle. Either option seems like foolishness...based upon an examination (study implied, activity implied) of both candidates in light of what the Bible says. It is not burying of talents out of fear or failure to do my homework (inaction). I do not expend this particular coin on a known bad investment (non-action), and I utilize my other coins to bring about good for the world around me.

So, I contend, there are times where doing nothing is the best thing to do. Is this such a time? That, as yet, remains to be seen. Never, though, should we consider a convicted decision to "be still" a foolish decision or "falling on an ideological sword."

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