Thursday, November 8, 2012

How's your traction?

For the Bible-believing Christian, Tuesday's election brought a splash of sobriety to life in these United States. Some troubling issues (two of which I highlighted in yesterday's post):

** America is turning from God's design for marriage.
** We seem to be ho-hum about drug use.
** It appears we desire a socialist model (I deserve some of yours) as opposed to a capitalistic model (keep your mitts off mine; I'll share if you are truly in need and then whole-heartedly).
** National defense has taken a back seat to an international group hug.
** The above applies to all nations but Israel, who we have hung out to dry.
** Expect to see any restrictions to abortion loosed.
** The flavor of the Supreme Court will certainly see a change.

That's the tip of the iceberg. Each of these leads to other issues that exposes a trend in our country that moves us away from conventional morality (i.e. biblical morality*) toward a "whatever, dude!" morality. To me, this is a heartbreaking thing to see. There are two absolutely wrong attitudes to take in the wake of this election.

First, we must avoid a Kumbayah mentality. I caught some posts about how now is the time to come together as a nation. That sounds very nice, but might I ask around what? A gaping moral divide exists in our country that cannot simply be skipped across. This is not to say that I should hate those opposed to God and biblical values. By no means! Nor should I build a Christian monastery and head for the hills. We are to be salt and light in a fallen world, and the United States 2012 surely falls into that category. But being salt and light means holding God's truths high. Those will bring conviction to some and hatred from many others. As we uphold the truth, part of that is the truth of the gospel, that while man stands in stark and abject rebellion before a holy and righteous God, that same God has provided the means of man's redemption, the completed work of God the Son, Jesus Christ.

Second, and my entire reason for this post we must not despair. Certain verses rang in my ears all day yesterday.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Paul gave this challenge, these commands, to the church in the town of Thessalonica, a high-octane, low-morality port city in Greece, a major cross-roads for the Roman empire. This was a church in the midst of tough persecution, but dwell upon what he told them:


"But...but...but..." Sorry, that won't fly. Why can I rejoice? God remains sovereign over all his creation. God's plan cannot be thwarted by man or 60 million men. Tuesday's election did not startle him. All things will work together for good for those who love God and are the called according to his purpose. Christ will come again, one day. God will set all things aright, one day. He loves me.

How do I know all these things? The Bible tells me so, and I believe it. I believe him for the Bible is God's word to us, to me. Saint, this is where the rubber meets the road. Will I trust him? Do I believe him? Satan has tried from the Garden of Eden to undermine what God has said. "Did God actually say..." He's working overtime in our day and age to portray God's word as irrelevant and outdated or unknowable and subject to diverse interpretations. Really, God's word reads pretty plainly in most parts. This one's hard to get around. Rejoice always!


Another one that doesn't require a Rosetta Stone to figure out. Commune always with your God. As with abiding with your wife you should communicate with her always. Sometimes you just abide together in silence in a room but you are comforted by her presence. Sometimes it's just a text to tell her you love her or need her to pick something up for you. Other times, you date her with purpose or take a long walk with her to talk and to hear her voice. It should be no different with God.

My prayer from before the election has not changed. While I think a different vote would have stemmed the demise of our nation, a president will not change our heading. If we as a people reject God, will he not give us our desire? That terrifies me. As such, my prayer unceasing has been that God would bring a heart of repentance upon our nation that we might then turn to him and be healed. There is much to pray about and for regarding our country, so pray without ceasing.


Yeah, that means Tuesday's election, too. Saint, can you grieve and give thanks that Barack Obama was elected? I've already provided a number of reasons to grieve, but give thanks?! Yes, indeed. Give thanks. "Why??" I hear you screaming. Because God will do amazing things through this election that we do not yet see.

If you knew right now that the dismantling and disintegration of the United States of America would mean that millions would come face to face with their sin and turn to salvation in Jesus Christ, would this not be better than dying with a fat wallet and an eternity in hell facing you on the other side? America has been a phenomenal political experiment proving that a nation founded upon God's principles can thrive and flourish, but if the people have come to the point of rejecting God, can we expect any less than that they will reject his principles, too? So while I do not know what God will do through Election 2012, I will thank him for it and trust him for what he will do through it.

So, sibling, are our wheels steady on the road? Do we really believe what God has said in his word? If so and especially in light of the past few days, we must rejoice, pray, and ooze thanksgiving. These are, after all, the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

* John MacArthur gave two outstanding messages on the demise of biblical morality in our political process. You can find them here and here. From the link, you can read, listen to, or download the sermons in their entirety.

1 comment:

Dave Swenson said...

Excellent blog Keith!! I am posting on my FB account today a reminder to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ that WE are NOT citizens of this World...we are first and foremost citizens of Heaven. God is the Sovereign King of the Universe and we are here to serve Him. We are to be salt and light to a World that is perishing in Darkness. It is time to Shine for the King for His Glory!