Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chick-fil-A anti-gay? Really?!

I had other things to do this morning, but vent I must.

A few days ago, I read an article about Dan Cathy, current president of Chick-fil-A and son of founder, S. Truett Cathy (you can read it here if you wish. I thought it a great article about a man who tries to live out biblical principles in his life and in his work. It is his company, for pity's sake. He makes plain that it's not a Christian company, there can only be Christian people ("Christ never died for a corporation. He died for you and me"), but he goes on to say,
"...As an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us."
Within the article, he responds to a question about how Chick-fil-A has been opposed by liberal and homosexual America for encouraging the traditional family (i.e. husband and wife, if you've forgotten). His response:
"We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

"We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that."
Because of such audacious statements, homosexual America has erupted. In a blog on the Huffington Post (here), Cathy is referred to as anti-gay and as thinking that everyone must be a Christian. They find it shocking that one who holds a biblical world view would support other organizations that do so as well, to include one organization that tries to help those who struggle with homosexual attractions. The article lauded universities for "squashing" plans for on-campus Chick-fil-A's.

Here is where we are as a nation. Many believe that a Christian man should not be able to run his company by Christian principles. He he should not be able to declare conduct or actions good or harmful based upon the clear teaching of the Bible. Cathy stands upon biblical principles. It is getting to be in our country where you are permitted to stand anywhere but upon those.

Ah, the tolerance of the tolerant.

(Of interest, I don't believe a homosexual has ever been denied service in any of his establishments. That would be something Cathy would not tolerate. For more on our widening national divide, go here.)


Dave Swenson said...

Excellent post as usual. The "tolerance" that society seems to value is a one-way street. The very people screaming for "tolerance" are about... intolerant.

Anonymous said...

Looking at this from a practical and somewhat tongue-in-cheek point of view...if there are some people opposed to the Chick-Fil-A approach, they are welcome to vote with their feet and their wallets. Maybe then I wouldn't have to face such huge crowds every time I go there for the polite environment and excellent food. I'm pretty sure they're going to do just fine with "only" the business from those like me who remain loyal customers.