Sunday, September 27, 2009

The folded tent

Early into Barack Obama's presidency, North Korea through down the gauntlet by launching a ballistic missile test. Over the homeland of our Japanese Islands. Testing a missile with legs to reach the United States. The president stared at the gauntlet with furrowed brow.

Then Hugo Chavez (pronounced "OO-go" or so the Hollywood lovefest so indicates) gets cozy with Vlad Putin, striking up an alliance between the surly Russian Bear and inviting them to have a presence in our hemisphere. Rather than taking a Kennedy-esque, iron-willed stance against the Bear and the Bozo, America's leadership pursed its lips.

Now Iran doesn't care who knows their dirty little secret. "We're building nukes." Israel frantically scans the international horizon for someone to do more than shake their head. They look like the pitiful NFL receiver who just gets punched in the mouth but sees no penaltly flag against the infraction. So they turn to the West, to America, their most stalwart ally over the decades for some righteous indignation. The President provided the furrowed brow AND pursed lips.

I've got to tell you that I have no desire for the United States to be the police force for the world, but at the same time, counting to ten with your belligerent child in Wal-Mart will avail you nothing but agony. In the realm of international citizenship, some folks just aren't playing well with others and need to be taught some old fashioned manners.

But America is folding its tent as leader to the free world. President Obama's speech to the UN (brilliantly critiqued here by Mark Steyn...once you get past the title) showed everyone our cards. We're part of the international community. Why can't we all just get along? You know, we really don't have any right to impose our way of life in your hemisphere because your way of life is just as valid as ours. Hey, Israel! You're on your own. Sure hope it really is a power plant those wacky Iranians are building.

This will be the first time in the history of man that the most powerful nation on the face of the earth neutered itself. On purpose.

I guess that's what happen when the Age of Aquarius comes to power in Washington. They want to play global t-ball while the folks on the other side look to inflict real harm with their baseball bats. We'll be singing "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing," and we'll never see what hits us.

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