Monday, July 21, 2008

QotD: America's spiritual temperature

Religion. To our Founders, religion meant what denomination means to us today. Religion was some form of orthodox Christianity. Today, when we hear the term religion, our minds race over every bizarre thought form used to explain the supernatural, biblical or not, deity or not.

USA Today has not ignored the spiritual aspect of man. In their News/Opinion section, they dip into the pool of religion twenty-first century style hitting the nail on the head from time to time but usually denting the wood or blistering their thumb.

I came across a letter to the editor from a gent in Venice, Florida asserting that "as people become less religious, they sow peace." Here's the letter. Here's the quote that spilled my coffee:
It won't be until the Vatican contacts the Shas Party in Israel as well as the Shiite and Sunni leadership, and they form a joint council for peace that we can claim that religion is now a progenitor of peace.
A joint council for peace? I have no doubt such a council will one day form. Who the players will be is unknown, but it will have nothing to do with peace. More and more folks have been duped into thinking all religions are reconcilable, that they are nothing more than an extension of the same religion.

God seems to think otherwise:
For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Acts 4:12b
Go figure.

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